Here's To The Girls:

To the girls who don't wake up with the perfect hair. Who don't mind eating a Big Mac instead of salad. Who don't wear 50 pound of makeup. Who'd rather spend the day in the sweatpants than skinny jeans. Who love the comfort of T-shirt. Who don't get all the guys. Who is not "popular" but feels like it when they're with there friends. Who stick to sneakers instead of heels. Who don't always get there way. Who don't get everything they want. Who doesn't need a guy to tell them that they are beautiful.

Somebody asked me – What it means to be independent

This is what it means to be independent: Being an independent woman means you can manage without the help of others without having to prove it.You make your own decisions, you stand on your own two feet, you pull yourself up when you fall down.

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is true enhance of beauty.

You have always been this way, always been okay on your own. You have never been afraid to go solo and to trust yourself. And you are continually looking for ways to be even more self-sufficient, to carve your own life to path, to do what you want.

But you also love. And love terribly, beautifully, fully. You love with a passion that’s sickening. A consuming, knotting, mess of emotion that interweaves you with another person. A love that twists your feelings, throws you upside-down, and makes you put your faith and stubbornness and fiercely-independent self in the hands of this other person. 

You love with a passion that’s sickening. A consuming, knotting, mess of emotion that interweaves you with another person. Because of this, you live in a constant state of tension. 
There are two things you want – to be your person and to love-but you want them just as equally. You crave the sense of self, the ability to not have to depend on anyone else for the life you want. But when you love, you mesh your life with another person’s. Willingly. Happily. The path you have set for yourself becomes tangled with that person’s. And this both thrills and terrifies you. 
Your world then becomes an inner battle. You quiet your stubborn mind and give into love. Real woman are classy strong, independent, loyal and lovable and one thing about them is they know they deserve better. Being single, doesn't mean you're weak . It means you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve.
Neither side makes you fully happy. Neither side leaves you feeling complete. You cannot seem to find a balance because you crave both things so equally. And so you live in this place of tension – what you want and who you are, what you are becoming and yet so scared to be.
You are an independent woman. A woman with a strong heart and passionate soul. You cannot let go of that part of you, the part that decides for herself, finds strength in her ability to stand alone. Yet you cannot be afraid to love. You cannot be afraid to embrace that ridiculously emotional side of you, that side that blends your strength with your passion. The side that makes you whole. 
You are not complete without both – without the strength you carry, without the tears and words and kisses you freely give. You are a strong woman. You are a perfect mix of both.

"Only God can turn a mess into a message, test into a testimony, trail into a triumph, victim into a victory.
In case you forget to remind yourself this morning.....Your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room.Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough and you are doing an amazing job in life.
