
Showing posts from April, 2020


If we really love ourselves everything in our life works.                    - Louise Hay, author, publisher, the                                                                            Godmother of Self-Help  Loving yourself isn't about standing in front of a mirror and saying to yourself that I look so pretty but is about how you feel pretty from inside, how you accept yourself truly by heart. Loving yourself is about looking into your thoughts and accepting yourself the way you, it's about the relationship you have with yourself, it's about how well you treat yourself from the clothes you wearing to the food you eat. Loving Yourself is the key priority of our lives. Loving ourselves doesn't mean to self absorbed or narcissistic or just start disrespecting other person. Rather than allowing yourself and exploring yourself that how amazing person you are. Accepting all your flaws and work on them to become a best version of you that no one could ever imag